glow in the woods awards: september 2008
/Move on is one of those wagging-finger sentiments like don't dwell and focus on the blessings that makes me feel like I'm either going crazy, or yelling into the wind. Or both. With an audience full of backseat drivers.
How is it done, exactly? How do we reconcile this loss with this life? Is it really so simple? Is there a 'The Clapper' for grief that I don't know about?
In one way or another, many of the posts you shared this month seemed to touch on reconciliation. You wrote of living children, of the heart-dizziness that comes from time's trudging along. And of staying open, as one new sister writes of with such grace.
This month we honour Gal, mama to angelbaby Tikva, for her post Thanking, loving, feeling my daughter on her blog Growing Inside. Her words are pure, concentrated love--a love that pokes holes of light in the darknesses of others. Thank you, Gal.
Remember to nominate your favourites by the 14th of every month--thanks to everyone.
September's glowing nominees were, in random order:
B of Simply B for Death and birth
Christine of Running on Empty for No words
Charmed Girl of A Charmed Life for The actual day and The mirror has two faces
Mrs. Spit of Mrs. Spit Spouts Off for Roadside reminders
Carly for her kindness and remembrance at Names in the Sand
Aurelia of No Matter How Small for her post Ten years ago today
Preggo Ashley for The day I got my joy back
Jessie of Our Loss for Love letters
Liane of Seriously for For Seth on his birthday
Glow's own Bon of Crib Chronicles for Love is a tired symphony