the rising stars

I'm not sure how to do this, what to call it or how to get through it.  The anniversary of Silas' birth and death is on Friday which means I am a year deep into this nightmare and still mostly lost.

Our plan is to spend time away with my brother's family, up in New Hampshire.  Their house is cozy and safe, tucked onto a hillside in the midst of trees and trails, the canopy of stars endless above.

Orion NebulaIt's those fucking stars I'm worried about.  It was right around this time when we picked Orion as his middle name.  I've always loved constellations and the way that one in particular is special for the winter nights.  If you are out in northeast America and can see Orion, it is certainly crisp and cold.

Missing Silas chills my soul.  Each of those stars are huge, hot suns, but I cannot feel any of their massive warmth.  Very soon now that piercing and familiar constellation will begin to peek over the horizon, and I don't know how I'm going to handle that.  They were supposed to be his special connection to the world, and now it is ours to him.

I'm worried about Friday, but not too much.  I'm sure it will be painful to recognize that a full year has passed without our son, and I am a little terrified of the fact that this is only the first of many, many years we will not have him.  I am certain it will hurt less than what I experienced a year ago but I should know better than to be certain of anything.

I looked for Orion last night, but I didn't see it.  Maybe this year it won't appear, and then that will prove I am in a whole other Universe than the one I thought I was inhabiting.  That would be proof of the disbelief I still feel for this World around me.  It wouldn't even surprise me, really.  Just another part of all of this I cannot trust to be correct and true.

Instead of celebrating, we continue to mourn but I'm so good at it now, you can't even tell I'm doing it every day, all the time.  So then Friday is just another day without Silas, unless, of course,  his rising constellation coincides with our drive north into solitude.  How can it not?

Is it faith or belief or religion for me to assume that the Universe will fuck with me any chance it gets?  I always thought we were on pretty good terms.  Healthy respect for the Vast Ineffability of it all mixed with wonder and love and appreciation for Its endless beauty and mystery, but I guess I missed how dark and deep the Mystery part goes.  Because I am very fucking mystified by how much this sucks.

I have to hold back anger when I have to let people know exactly what I am not celebrating, but then I remember there's nothing they can do for me anyway, so why bother?  I'm surprised by the number of people that seem to have forgotten.  But then I have also been surprised with unexpected cards and gifts and kind words from so many people who do remember him, and do understand how sad we remain.

The people that remember and acknowledge Silas, the people that hold him and us in their hearts, they are carrying us along, and we thank you all for your love and support.  We need it so much, especially this week as his stars slip into the night sky and his day passes us by.


So then what of it?  Please tell me, how did you do this?  Where can we find solace?  What possible actions or words or thoughts can make Friday bearable?  Or is Unbearable the only way through? 

after the transformation

Oh, ppphhhhhh… 

What do I do now?

She’s been gone longer than she was here, even counting the time she was inside me.

I’ve passed all of the first anniversaries: her ultrasound, the day she was born, the day she died on both the Jewish and Gregorian calendars.

We’ve anticipated her arrival.

Hoped deeply.

Said hello, welcomed our second child to the big world.

Loved unconditionally.

Taken her outside to breathe fresh real air.

Said goodbye.

Buried her fragile little body in a tiny coffin in the ground.

Her box of memories is full, her photo album is made. Her special soft things in jars, still smelling a little bit like her. Everything put away in the trunk that sits next to me in the sunroom, keeping me company.

Her quilt is coming along, something I am not in a hurry to finish… When I work on it, I feel close to her.

I still haven’t framed and hung her photos, but I will… soon.

Her headstone has been made, set and unveiled. Flowers planted with her placenta. Her DNA and ours stored at the hospital for research. Her birth and death certificate are in a safe place with other family documents, confirming that she really did exist, always a part of our family.

We’ve moved away and settled into our new home across the country.

Our new chapter has begun.

Now what?


Today I watched as two cicadas completely left their exoskeletons and began a new chapter in their new skins, so bright green they were almost turquoise. They hung there from the branches of a tree, clinging still to their old shells, transparent wings spread, contemplating new destinations, new purpose.

It was stunning… I’ve never seen anything like it. For three weeks now I’ve been listening to them singing their songs outside, surrounding me with constant tropical melodies. I’ve just never seen a cicada before, not even in a photo.

Everything changes, nothing stays the same.

Impermanence... I see it when I look in the mirror. I look different than I did last summer. I look different than I did two summers ago. I think I look different than I did a few months ago. I’ve reluctantly left my exoskeleton, sometimes hesitating to leave it completely behind. Longing for it, for simpler times.

My old shell consists of all the mes I’ve left behind, said goodbye to, willingly or not.

It’s this next place I’m not so sure about. This after the transformation place. I can so easily tell you how changed I am from the person I was before I knew Tikva. I can describe in vivid detail how she transformed me, and for the better. But I’m not exactly sure what that means for me now… now that I’ve been transformed by knowing, loving and losing my child. Now that I’ve undergone a change I never in a million years would have chosen. Now that I’ve gotten kind of used to this new person that I am.


How many children did you bring with you to Cincinnati? he asks my husband.

We have two children, but only one living. We’re here after a year off, since we lost our second child last summer, my husband answers.

I say nothing, look away even, let my husband tell him. Then I look at this new acquaintance and see the sadness and searching in his eyes as he looks at me then quickly looks down. I know what he wants to say. After a year, I am so aware of the sadness I’ve held in other people when they look at me after learning about Tikva. Some days I can take it better than others. This time I just notice it, allow the compassion to flow in silence. Nothing needs to be said.


I hoped to be carrying another child by now, but I’m not yet. Still, I can feel that child’s spirit close, waiting. Sometimes I can’t distinguish it from Tikva’s spirit. I don’t think that matters. Baby spirit energy is one and the same. I think it comes from one big well.

I watch my older daughter and feel how powerful is her desire to be a big sister to a living sibling.

I wish I had a sister to play with who wasn’t a spirit, she says.

Me too, I answer. Me too.

She would have a sibling who would be almost two right now, if I hadn’t miscarried in between her and Tikva. Then there would never have been a Tikva… Strange.

Tikva would be 14 months now, would probably be walking. She would be so beautiful, that I just know for sure.

For two and a half years we have wanted to give Dahlia a sibling… One who can play with her.

We still do.


It’s almost the new year on the Jewish calendar. The biggest time of the year. This is supposed to be a time of reflection, of going inwards, of making amends, making peace. I always find this time tumultuous inside, unsettling, unsettled. I guess that’s the point. I don’t know if I’m ready for a big time right now. I’m feeling especially un-Jewish right now, which is ironic as the wife of a future rabbi. Really, I just feel like climbing under the covers and not coming out until October. Until the new year, a new season.

Last year at High Holy Day services, less than two months after Tikva died, I alternated between sitting next to Dave in the sanctuary, crying, and running outside to cry alone. I resented everyone dancing in the aisles all around me. I felt no joy, no peace, no serenity. I felt isolated, empty, lost. Dave wrote angry messages to God in his journal. I did not fast on Yom Kippur. Dave and I got into a fight about something, I can’t even remember what. Afterwards I went with a friend to a candlelight vigil for babies who had died. It was one of the saddest days of those first few months after losing my Baby Girl.

I don’t feel especially compelled to fast this year either. I don’t feel especially inspired to do much that is Jewish, to be honest. Keeping kosher – in the limited way we’ve been doing so for several years – feels kind of trivial after what I’ve lived the past almost two years. That is not how I connect to something bigger, by eating my meat and my dairy separately… by fasting on Yom Kippur.


There is a new layer of sadness churning deeply in me right now, a layer I’m not quite ready to shed. A space I just need to exist in for a while. I’m not entirely sure what it’s all about, but I do know that it’s less tidy, more raw than I’ve felt in many months.

It’s not the part of me that wondered how I would ever survive losing my child, terrified at the thought of forever having to hold that experience. I’ve survived, relatively intact. But I’m not settled. In fact, I’m feeling rather unsettled right now. In a new kind of limbo, an in between place.

Now what?

Now life goes on. Now life continues.

That’s it? It just continues? Just goes on, business as usual, except that I’m completely transformed in the middle of a world that hasn’t really changed much at all?


How come I have to adjust to the same old world around me, and no one has to adjust to me?

Because you’re not the majority.

I’m not? I know and know of so many parents who have lost babies, our numbers grow every day, and we’re still just a minority? But this is all I know. What am I supposed to do with the transformation I just went through? With this new self I am sort of used to and still getting acquainted with?


Tikva? Are you there? Are you still close? Is that you in the giant yellow and black butterfly I saw yesterday? In the turquoise under the transparent wings of the cicada? In the tiny bird eating an Oreo cookie outside the ice cream store yesterday?

What do I do now… still without you?

I will let myself cry for as long as I need. There are no rules around how long is enough before being done with the sorrow. You are never really done, are you? Here in this place, we know better than to create those kinds of boundaries. Here we feel what we need, when we need, how we need to.

I miss you, Tikva. I miss you differently now. But oh how I miss you still, my Tiny Love.


Where do you find yourself now? Are you comfortable here? Is it still new for you? Unsettling? Do you feel like an old hat? Transformed, for better or worse? What do things look like now, here, for you?

Handling the shattered nutcase

I'm not there yet. Still got a ways to go before the World can pass through me without pain.

Julia talked of toes mashed and unreasonable expectations of accommodating thoughtless acquaintances. Tash spoke of awful, awkward silences and evasions within her own family. It broke my heart to read their words. I've experienced shades of each in various circumstances. Facebook is a series of landmines of super-happy-family-ness I can barely handle. Farmer's markets bombard me with babies and moms and dads with kids on shoulders.

There is no way for them to know what it does when they tell me that he's ten months old, and he's keeping her up every night. I look the toddler in the eye and shatter, but you'd never know it by looking at me.

I'm shattered all the time. I don't have to hide it here.

Thankfully, family and friends have been extremely supportive and understanding. I don't feel rushed in my grief. I don't feel like a total nutcase that must be gently handled. They take us face front and let us tell them--as well as we can-- exactly how we feel and what we need.

Often what we need is space and compassion. But not too much space. If I don't get enough attention I start to freak out. Sometimes I feel the disappearing act I'm trying to pull on my grief is working too well.

And not too much compassion, cause seriously, what the fuck? I can handle it, whatever it is. Obviously I can handle anything because otherwise I'd be long gone by now.

Of course, I'm terrified of what else is out there that needs to be Handled, so be careful with me, okay?

Email, instant messages, txts, posts on messages boards, comments to our blogs, they give me strength. They give me a web of words and understanding that transcends time and space.

We Skyped into a birthday party for our friend out in SF. It was mesmerizing to see the faces of our friends that I can usually only hear in my mind as I read their various written missives or enjoy as their disembodied voices over the phone. This was their presence in a powerful, almost magical way.

Through the digital transformations and subtle human cues I was able to pick up that they loved us so much, and missed us a million times over. We toasted beers through the cameras, but the hugs didn't quite connect. Too many square edges on the MacBook.

It was amazing to be with our friends clear across the country, for even a few minutes. And to know how much they wanted us to be well and happy, it was heartfelt and true.

Should I feel lucky for that? There must be a better word. There should be a word for good-feelings-in-the-middle-of-disaster. Because it is that, still, every day in one way or another. The wrenching wrongness of everything we are not doing with Silas is a brutal and confusing burden to bear. We aim for grace, but like Kate said, sometimes fuck grace.

I just want to get by without breaking anything else.

My heart breaks easily. I feel it as a slice from my breastbone to the deep reaches of my gut where everything falls into nothing.

Baby carriage. Pregnant belly. Offhand baby-talk.

Slice, slip, drop.

I attempt to fall through the vacuum of his absence into a calm acceptance of whatever comes next.

The everyday awful, the sliced gut and bottomless stomach, sometimes it makes the good parts feel especially rare and fragile. When I feel happy I'm often doubly amazed. What's the word for that one? The knowing-it's-good-because-you've-had-it-so-bad?

I also know this post doesn't make much sense. But how am I supposed to make sense of the fact that it has been almost a year and... and... everything? All of this. Every word from here to a year before. Every day we've half-lived wondering what the fuck just happened to us?

But I'm not trying to understand why. What I am trying to understand is what his life and death means to me and to Lu, and how I will navigate the rest of my life with his absence in my heart.

So far, this year, all of the World has passed through that hole. There is no other way into me anymore. He is the lens through which my everything is sharpened and transformed.

I wonder if that will ever change. I wonder if there is a way to ever feel whole and true. I wonder if I want to.


Do you?

a suitcase full of hope

Chapter One

The suitcase is almost entirely filled with baby clothes. They were given to us for Tikva, before she was born.

After she died, I sat in the middle of the garage with Auntie Marty, and we went through the boxes and sorted them out. Marty was so patient with me – loving, calm and focused. She helped me decide what I wanted to keep and what I could let go of. She held the space while I touched each piece of small clothing and imagined what Tikva would have looked like sleeping in it as a baby in my arms, dancing in it as a toddler. I put everything in two big boxes and put them away in the garage.

Now, I go through the clothes again, almost a year later, and I put each piece into the suitcase.

My suitcase full of hope.

Hope that I will have another child, and that if she is a girl, she will wear these sweet things that were meant for her sister. I pick up a pale pink ruffled dress that Dave found in a thrift store a few months before Tikva was born and the tears come rushing. I just sit on the bed and cry, letting go a little more, letting go still all these months later. Then I put it in the suitcase, wondering what it will feel like when I do put that dress on my next child, my third child.

The next day I get on a plane with my suitcase and take it to Cincinnati, where the next chapter of our lives await us. In two short days, I find us a home to move into next month. I sign a lease. I make a video to show Dave and Dahlia what it looks like. I can start to see what is ahead now. I can imagine where we will put a crib when the time comes.


Chapter Two

We are packing up the rest of the house. Gathering up our things to take with us.

Preparing other things to return to the generous souls who loaned us the makings of a home when we first returned from abroad – befuddled and overwhelmed – in order to give Tikva the best chance in the world at survival.

As I pack, I feel like I am undoing all that I put together before her birth. Moving backwards, as if the film projector is playing on rewind on the screen.

Tikva’s special things sit in their boxes and jars, soon to be put in a suitcase, destined for the wooden chest that awaits them in Ohio. The altar that has formed on our borrowed dresser awaits its turn to be put away in a box – found treasures from my walks in Golden Gate Park this past year. The toys people gave to Dahlia, and which she accumulated for the sole reason that she is five years old and that is what five year olds do, are sorted through and await their own suitcase. Maternity clothes are passed on, a few favorites packed to take with me (more hope). I have the vitamins and herbs I need to prepare for a healthy pregnancy in the near future (more hope).

The thing is that I really do believe there are good things ahead. Sometimes, when I am being especially Chicken Little about everything (aka catastrophic and completely overwhelmed), Dave reminds me that so much good awaits us. I know that, I really do. I feel it. I can close my eyes and feel myself pregnant again, holding a baby, nursing, holding a toddler’s hand.

I guess I just need to get there to really settle into the feeling. Get past this week of packing. Get past (and enjoy) the drive cross-country. Roll into the driveway of our new home. Get reacquainted with most of our belongings, which have been in storage for two years. Unpack. Settle into all that is new.

But first, this week of goodbye.


Chapter Three

I go to my twentieth high school reunion. Anybody who asks me how old my children are gets to hear about Tikva. It feels good to talk about her. Right. Easy. People are at their best when I tell them, sweet. One old classmate says, Wow. I'm sober now. Another says, Can I buy you a drink?

A third tells me that I’m not the only one – a classmate I had barely known in high school also lost a child – her first, six years ago. I go over to her and tell her I'd like to talk to her about something we share. She knows right away what. We talk for a long time.

Uncharacteristic of me this past year, I feel social, friendly, chatty, and a bit tipsy. I am doozied up and look great. I talk to all kinds of people there, even those I had barely talked to during high school. I feel very much myself, no walls. Maybe that’s why it is so easy to talk about Tikva – my second child.

It feels like another layer of wrap-up. I want to say closure, but the closure isn’t about Tikva. It is more about wrapping up a chapter of my life that brings me here…

To this more true, more complete version of myself. The me I take into all that is ahead.


Chapter Four

It feels like the last few pages of Goodnight Moon right now…

Goodnight clouds.

Goodnight air.

Goodnight noises everywhere…

Goodbye park.

Goodbye beach and ocean.

Goodbye hospital monolith on my way to everywhere.

Goodbye headstone marking the place where Tikva’s body lies.

Goodbye father and sister and family.

Goodbye friends who have held us (together).

Goodbye San Francisco.

Goodbye to this time, this chapter, this huge piece of the story…


Chapter Five

Now it is all pretty much undone – at least on the surface, in the house. You can’t really undo two years of living… deeply.

I sit on the floor in an empty, echo-y living room. Dave sits on a bean bag chair next to me. It was empty when we arrived in the middle of March 2008 – my belly full of her – so early on this journey. Now this chapter wraps up.

Several times this week, I have wondered when the grown ups were going to show up to take care of all the dealing that needed to be dealt with. Packing, cleaning, organizing, administrating. Then one of those moments:

Oh! I am the grown up. Sigh... Shit! Nothing else to do right now but pack. It has felt endless, but it’s almost done, we’re almost on the road. Tomorrow we’ll take the mezuzah – the one from Jerusalem – off the doorpost to bring with us to Cincinnati.


Chapter Six

We go to the cemetery one last time – for now – and I make two rubbings of Tikva’s headstone to take with me. One in color, one in black. On the way there, two baby hawks sit on two lampposts on Sunset Blvd. On the way back, one remains. On the way out a bit later, the same two are on the same posts, and a few blocks away, two adult hawks sit together on another post. A family of hawks – four.

Two and two. Two adults. Two children.

I sit before Tikva’s headstone by myself and cry.

I wish I could take you with me, Tikva. Literally… in a carseat next to your sister. Your big beautiful eyes looking around as you chew on your hands and babble.

I just sit and stare at her headstone – accepting.

And just a little bit amazed, still, that this is what we get.

This is how it is.


What transitions have you been through since losing your child(ren)? Have you felt able to take them with you? Left a piece of yourself, of them, behind? What has enabled you to stay connected, and grounded, during your transitions? What have you let go of?

I'm So Happy For You

Babies are appearing everywhere, and the afternoon light is such that I expect for us to be expecting, too. The late-setting sun blasts through the windshield as I turn off the exit to my house. The angle of those rays are filled with meaning.

This is the season of my almost-fatherhood. This is the time last year when all I could think about was everything that I thought was to come.

There were so many plans and hopes in the works. Spring and summer were full of boundless potential and imminent adventures. The full bellies and multi-strollers all around foretold our amazing future, and I was thrilled to be on the cusp of fatherhood.

Fulfillment, success, perfection, they were within my grasp and now all I hold is dust and desolation.

Since it is impossible to grasp dust, and because desolation rots the soul, I have stopped trying to hold anything.

This has become my summer of the willing suspension of disbelief. I'm working hard at accepting the World as it is, and dealing with whatever is exactly in front of me.

I learned that from my parents. My mother has had MS since before I was born, and over the years they have shown me how to handle the impossible trials of their everyday life. Do the next thing first and then deal with whatever comes after that.

Do it right, do it with humor, don't stop until it's done. Don't rely on anyone else. Don't be surprised when it doesn't go at all the way you think it will. Don't give up and don't stop loving the people around you. Those are the lessons they taught me, and I'm working hard at most of them.

I'm stuck at Don't Give Up, though. I know there are people around me ready and willing to support me with their love, if only I would return an email or make a call. The ball is definitely in my court at this point. For phone-tag I am IT a thousand times over.

It is beyond me right now, though.

Reading through the interview below I was struck by how clearly I identified with all of those Phases, but I was surprised in that I seemed to be experiencing them completely out of order.

I feel like I've been through Confrontation and even a little Accomodation, but that Avoidance is where I stew these days.

It is a nuanced Avoidance. I don't stop thinking about Silas all day. I don't pretend that my life is anything that it is not. I know to the core of my being the depth of our loss. Or at least, I know how deep it seems to go from here. I have few illusions left at this point. I'm not avoiding his name, or the pain of losing him.

I am always ready to talk about Silas but I attempt to avoid all external reminders of what we should have.

That list includes: newborns, babies, people that just had babies or are pregnant, talk of the trials of having kids, strollers, carseats, first birthdays, the Internet, driving, walking and being awake. As long as I keep all of that out of mind & sight, I should be just fine. Ha!

Another part of the problem is that I'm starting to feel bad about how bad I still feel. I don't want to talk to friends because it's the same goddam fucking sob story every fucking time. I'm sick of hearing myself sometimes. I'm sick of hearing my soul's lament, sick of my mind devising strategies to fix our broken lives, sick of my heart oozing despair and ichor whenever another scar is peeled back, or a new, surprising wound pierces my defenses.

July was brutal. Three of my closest friends had babies this month and essentially all I could do was ignore them. Didn't stay in bed moping. Didn't drive off to the wilderness and leave everyone behind. Didn't stop working or playing or living. But when it came to those three, they were mostly out of my life.

I kept in contact until the day of birth, but after they each went perfectly, I had to cut them off for the moment. I feel like an asshole of the highest order, but I had to do it in order to save myself.

The idea of even talking to them on the phone to congratulate them, knowing they were holding their perfect new child in their arms, it took the push out of my fingers for every digit of their phone number. These are people I love and care about and all I can do is nothing.

I'm active and alert and fully engaged in most of my life, but the new babies are impossible right now. Once I start thinking about my friends, I think about everything they are doing with their new child and those thoughts completely immobilize me.

I know babies. I love babies. I don't mind the cheesy puke or the weird, wide alien eyes or the tears of hunger or confusion. I used to love babies.

But there is a period of time between birth and 'baby' that I really don't know anything about. By the time I've met most children they were at least a few weeks old, if not months, and I've never had that true newborn experience. I thought it was going to be a special, beautiful time with my son and first-born, but that was not the way it happened. So now, when I hear about a new child in the World, it fills me with a mix of hope and dread and joy and fear that is impossible to parse.

I'm thrilled for the parents. I'm thrilled the child is alive and healthy. I'm jealous beyond words that they have that child to cherish and nuture. I'm terrified by how close they came to living in my World without ever considering how bad it can get, and I'm enraged at myself for my inablity to do anything but look away.

All I can do is say how HAPPY I AM FOR YOU and look away, look away. I look away and try to feel Silas and hate how much his name sounds like Silence.


What is your collateral damage? Where do you feel stuck? Are there certain aspects or phases of grief that you find particularly daunting? What do you avoid? What do you seek out?

In Your Head: An Interview with Dr. Sara Corse, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

Seeking help from a therapist in the aftermath of babyloss often raises conflicting emotions within the bereaved based on their preconception of grief, and of the psych-profession in general. "I'm not depressed, I'm grieving!" babyloss parents scream from their blogs, in defense of their decision to not seek outside help.


Do we really know the difference between the two sets of emotions? And why are we all worked up about seeing a therapist anyway? Does it signal that we're weak? Can't handle it? Need to take our ugly emotions inside, out of public, into an office with a shut door? Or (gulp) maybe we're even a wee bit crazy?

What about those of you who sought help and were confronted with professionals who told you to buck up? Who didn't understand what infertility and babyloss had to do with each other? Who glossed over the loss and focused on something else -- or vice versa, assumed the loss was the be-all-and-end-all to your problems? And you were left wondering: was it them, or me?

In order to try and clarify some of these issues I went directly to the source. Dr. Sara Corse is a psychologist who specializes in grief counseling and the author of Cradled all the While, a memoir of her experience in dealing with her mother's terminal illness. Dr. Corse sees individuals, couples and families at Council for Relationships in Philadelphia. (Disclosure: I, Tash, interviewer, saw a grief therapist regularly, until recently. I consider it on the whole, a positive experience.)

Tash:  Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. How does one become "a psychologist who specializes in Grief Counseling?" That is, are there special courses or training that you do?

Dr. Corse: There are several professional pathways to working with people who are grieving. A grief counselor may have training as a psychologist, social worker, couple and family therapist or nurse. Grief is a normal life process, and as such is covered in courses on lifespan development. Therapists learn to work with both normal and complicated grieving in courses and supervised experience in counseling. Some programs offer semester-long courses in grief and there are many opportunities to specialize through self-guided readings, advanced supervision, workshops and conferences.

Why did you decide to go into this particular avenue of psychology?

I developed an expertise in grief counseling several years into my career, motivated by my own experience of loss. When I was 36, I cared for my mother as she was dying of cancer. I’d lost my father to a heart attack when I was 18, and I was struck by how different the two losses were for me emotionally. I have always been one to read everything I can get my hands on when I’m trying to process something distressing, so I read widely on death and grief. I also began writing what became “Cradled all the while” a few months after my mother’s death, and found the process of writing to be helpful, both in terms of my own grief and in terms of opening my interest in grief counseling. It is more than a decade since my mother’s death, and I now have a wide and varied clinical practice. About 20% of my clients come specifically for grief counseling and many others have had losses in their life that they have not fully grieved, and this becomes part of their therapeutic work.

I know I felt this early on (I no longer do) and I've seen it expressed by others: how do you answer the grieving parent who responds, "Well what do you know! Have you ever been through this?" What is it exactly that you can offer someone regardless of whether you've been through that particular situation or not?

It is common for people who are grieving to feel very alone with their experience. There is often a deep desire for connection with others who’ve been through the same thing, and at the same time, a wish for acknowledgement or appreciation that their loss is unique. I openly share with clients whether or not I have experienced a loss like theirs personally. In fact it is sometimes more difficult to work with someone who is grieving a loss similar to my own, because I have more of my own experiences to filter out in order to be responsive to the client’s emotions. What I try to offer all clients, however, is an open-minded curiosity and interest in their unique story of loss and a commitment to accompany them in their grieving process.

I know you don't want to start analyzing people who you don't even know, but are there any ground rules for how someone would know perhaps it's time to seek out this particular kind of help? I know a common refrain around here is, "Of course I'm depressed! My baby died!" and some people are just reluctant to seek out this kind of help due to monetary constraints, preconceptions regarding psychotherapy that were in place before their loss, or just not understanding the profession and what it can offer.

To understand when it’s time to seek grief counseling, it might be helpful to first have an idea of what normal grieving looks like. I like Theresa Rando’s model of mourning (grief refers to emotional, behavioral, physical and social reactions to loss; mourning refers to the work of processing and integrating the experience of loss).

She calls the first phase of mourning the Avoidance Phase, during which time the person in grief comes to recognize the loss. This includes acknowledging the death and working to understand the death.

The second phase is the Confrontation Phase, in which the grieving individual experiences the deep emotional pain of the loss. The work of mourning during this phase is reacting to the separation from the loved one through feeling, identifying, accepting, and expressing one’s emotions. It also involves identifying and mourning secondary losses that coincide with or develop as a consequence of the initial loss, such as the loss of the role relationship one had or would have had with that individual. During this phase, mourners recollect and reexperience the deceased and the relationship—reviewing and remembering their life, and reviving and reexperiencing the feelings engendered by that relationship. The person in mourning relinquishes old attachments to the deceased and to previous beliefs about how the world works.

The final phase of mourning is the Accommodation Phase. A new relationship is developed with the deceased, new ways of being in the world are adopted and a new identity is formed…one that incorporates the experience of grief and loss but is not wholly defined by it. And finally there is a reinvestment in life. The process of mourning a specific death can take place over many months and years, and may be revisited and reworked at different points throughout life.

This model of “normal” mourning serves as a backdrop for addressing complicated mourning. (I use quotes because the word normal seems to trivialize the pain of grief. I know that when I have been in mourning, nothing felt normal about it, and I wouldn’t have wanted anyone to suggest that it was). Complicated mourning is associated with several risk factors. These include specific circumstances of the death, such as a sudden, unexpected loss, death from an overly lengthy illness, the loss of a child, or the perception that the death was preventable. Other risk factors are related to the griever’s prior or concurrent condition, such as previous losses that were not fully mourned, high levels of life stress, depression and anxiety or a perceived lack of social support.

Grief counseling can help with both types of mourning, but is particularly useful in complicated mourning (or during complicated periods of normal mourning). So how does one know if it’s time to seek counseling?

One indicator that counseling might be helpful is feeling stuck—as with struggling to move from the Avoidance Phase of mourning into the Confrontation Phase. Denial is sometimes a cause of that feeling of stuckness. It is often a feature of the Avoidance Phase, manifesting either as not acknowledging the reality of the death or not acknowledging the feelings associated with it. Denial is not something we do, but something that happens—a natural psychological reaction which provides us with a time-out—a temporary delay of grief until we can gather the psychological resources necessary for experiencing the devastating pain associated with the loss. Although initially adaptive, if denial continues for too long, it becomes maladaptive and delays us coming to terms with the loss. Counseling can offer support in coming to acknowledge and confront the grief.

Another indicator is a persistence of depression or anxiety. Grief and depression share common symptoms, such as sadness, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite and loss of energy. But in grief, our moods, such as sadness, anger, despair, or hopelessness, are triggered by sights, sounds, memories and thoughts about the loss. In depression, the symptoms are more persistent and pervasive. In grief, moods and symptoms change over time—from acute grief, which may be debilitating and immobilizing, to later stages of mourning when feelings can be bracketed—at least enough to function at work or at home. The feelings may not be any less strong and may still hit powerfully and unexpectedly, but they can be felt and expressed without interfering with overall functioning. In depression, bracketing is far more difficult. Mood and energy are more consistently down.

In terms of how long is too long for feeling depressed during normal grieving, some professionals use two months as a marker. On the one hand, I think 2 months is too short a time to diagnose depression in someone who is grieving the death of a child. On the other hand, if someone is struggling with feeling depressed, and having trouble resuming normal activities two months after the death, therapy can be such a helpful tool that I encourage it even if it is a part of grieving and not depression.

We've all been told at least from within this community that grief is a normal life process, and there is no wrong way to grieve. What benefits are there then to seeing a therapist as opposed to, say, duking it out on your own?

Here are some things clients have shared with me about how therapy has been helpful for them:

* feeling validated, feeling heard, feeling listened to

* feeling not alone: being able to reflect on and express their feelings with another person rather than keeping them inside

* not feeling blamed or judged

* appreciating that they don't have to reciprocate with the therapist--they don't have to take care of or listen to the therapist's feelings. They don't have to prove to the therapist that they will be okay. They don't have to take any responsibility for making the therapist feel like he or she is being helpful.

* being able to talk about the experience as many times in as many ways as they want or need without worrying about being a burden.

* being able to ask questions and get feedback and learn a framework for understanding their experiences that can support them through the phases of mourning.

* being encouraged to explore feelings that they may shy away from with the support of the therapist, and thus learning how to tolerate these emotions as they come and go during mourning.

* having a space to grieve that feels safe and where time and expectations don't (or shouldn't) matter.

* being able to talk about their feelings about or worries about other family members confidentially, and explore in therapy ways to address them.

* with couples, helping partners understand and appreciate the different ways people have of mourning, and learn to support each other and stay connect through the grieving process.

* having a place to explore other issues that are kicked up by the loss and may be important to address at this point in life.

Do you have any suggestions on "finding a good fit?" I feel as though I rather lucked out, although I did look for someone who specialized in "grief." Others in these parts have not been very fortunate in finding doctors that they feel are helpful (some sound downright oblivious to the basic issues surrounding infant death). What should we look for when we go in the first time (or few times)?

* someone who makes you feel comfortable telling your story and sharing your feelings.

* someone who has some experience with working with grief.

* someone who communicates an interest and curiosity in you.

* someone who will answer your questions, even if they come across as challenging, without being defensive or dismissive.

* someone who will engage with you around questions of fit, and doesn't suggest that he or she is the only person who can help you.

* someone you respect.

* someone who respects your boundaries—not imposing their beliefs or experiences on you and not pushing you before you have developed trust.

Along the lines of "there is no wrong way to grieve": It seems to me that, sadly, for some members of society at large there are indeed "right ways." It's not uncommon for us to occasionally get comments to the effect of "hurry it up already," or, strangely, "You need Grief Counseling!" One of our contributors (Bon) recently wrote a hospital to ask them to change the language on their fund-raising literature as she found it offensive to someone who had lost a family member at this institution. The campaign went public, a newspaper picked a line out of Bon's argument, built a story around it, gave it a controversial title, and then posted it on the internet -- and opened the comments. The public comments were stunningly offensive in my mind, one of them though told Bon to "Get Grief Counseling."

I thought that was a rather strange insult; it seemed to be indicating that the commenter was uncomfortable with Bon's emotions and that Bon was better off dealing with these feelings privately (preferably in an office with a doctor present, apparently) -- not publicly. But it also really tiptoes the line as to how the public at large views therapy, and it's worth.

Our society does communicate a strong message of intolerance for the wide range of feelings that grief entails. Tears and sadness, maybe. Anger and advocacy, not so much. And our society follows up the intolerance for the full range of emotions with intolerance for any of those emotions that last longer than a few days or weeks. Bon handled the whole situation, from beginning to end, with grace and balance. She was attuned to the impact the hospital’s fundraising letter had, not just on her but on any parent who’s baby did not survive, and took action to raise the level of awareness and sensitivity of the fund-raising world to this point of view. The public comments suggesting that Bon get grief counseling miss the mark. In fact, a healthy processing of grief often leads to an action such as Bon's. When we have done (or are doing) the work of mourning, we are able to speak out regarding the universal truths of grieving and loss and can advocate for societal change. When we embrace the full range of feelings that loss brings to our lives, and integrate our most painful experiences into a new way of being in the world, we find energy for transforming our experience of loss into something positive for others.

What do you see as the biggest hindrance to grieving?

I don’t think there is one big single hindrance, but there are several roadblocks, some internal to the person who is grieving and some external. Earlier I mentioned denial. It is the persistence of denial, not its early existence, which proves problematic. If we cannot sustain knowledge of the fact of the death and the irreversibility of the death, we cannot mourn. Another hindrance to grieving is the inability to gain necessary information to answer questions about how and why the death occurred. We often hold off on feelings of loss until there is greater understanding.

External hindrances include the impact of commonly held myths about mourning, such as the notion that grief follows a set path or sequence of stages, resolves in a matter of months or comes to complete resolution. Another external hindrance for parents grieving the loss of a baby is society’s tendency to minimize the loss. In fact, grieving the death of a child means not only experiencing the loss of the brief relationship, but also the loss of potential, about which they are continually reminded. The perpetuation of societal attitudes about grief makes it hard for people in mourning to acknowledge their feelings, both to themselves and to others, to be patient with themselves and to seek and gain support from others.

What then do you see as the most helpful thing (or things!) one can do to process grief?

In terms of denial, there are various experiences early on that can help grievers acknowledge the death and begin to experience and express their feelings. These include having the opportunity to hold or touch or view the body of the deceased, and to participate in rituals that acknowledge the death, such as a funeral.

As the process of grieving continues, it helps to talk about the death and any feelings, and to find people who are willing to listen and ask questions.

Participating in a support group with people who are experiencing or have experienced a similar loss can be helpful for exploring and validating feelings. This includes on-line support groups.

It helps to create rituals or memorials that are meaningful. Some people plant a tree or garden, donate to a cause, or launch an initiative in their loved one’s memory, enacting love and the pain of loss in a way that benefits others.

And as we’ve discussed, grief counseling is helpful, particularly when we feel stuck or alone, when we are experiencing a complicated period of grieving or when we have an inner sense that in processing this loss, we are provided an opportunity for making other important life changes in therapy.

How do you feel about online support -- like this site -- or blogging as a means of self-help?

I think it is a fantastic medium for several important processes of grieving: The work that people do in writing about their experiences, whether blogging or commenting on other people’s posts, is transformative. The writer must engage her or his emotions in the crafting of a post, which then offers both an expressive outlet and a mode of working through the experience that deepens personal understanding and connection to the experience. In posting on the internet, writers have an immediate outlet for sharing their experiences with others. Because there is an intended audience, the emotional, intellectual and creative work of blogging is different from personal journal writing—in considering what one wants to share publicly, the writer’s perspective is lifted to the universal (or at least in that direction). This process of moving from the personal to the universal is something that gradually happens during the process of mourning, and writing for an audience facilitates it.

Blogging also offers a wonderful way to network with others who have experienced something similar. Particularly for those who are new to grief, being able to read and comment on posts by people who are further along in their mourning can be very validating. For parents grieving the loss of an infant, being part of a blogging community is a way to create a set of loving relationships around oneself and one’s lost baby. Sharing grief this way brings meaning to the baby’s short life, and when others in the blogging community respond to or even anticipate one’s own grief reaction, the grieving parent feels far less lonely.

The one caveat I would mention about on-line communication is that it is different from face to face communication in terms of how people filter emotions, opinions and reactions. On the one hand, people may hide certain reactions and reveal other reactions in order to gain social acceptance or approval. On the other hand, sometimes people are inappropriately unfiltered in their reactions, such that they say things and say them in certain ways that they never would if they were face to face (internet bullying, perpetuating conflict and misunderstanding, etc.). So I would encourage people to continue to nurture supportive face-to-face relationships for grieving as well.

Have you sought out therapy in the aftermath of your babyloss?  Why or why not?  Did you find it useful/helpful?